Monday 9 April 2012

A place called Pai.

Time sure flies when you are having fun .. I have found this cliche phrase to prove itself true over my past week of adventure throughout Northen-ish Thailand.  We arrived in Bangkok last week(which is where I left off).  We had decided to spend a few days in the city to await the arrival of two of Nicole's friends(Jess&Jill)before heading up to Chiang Mai and eventually Pai.  During the few days spent in the capital, we managed to find our favourite Pad Thai dish, explore more of the endless markets, taste one of the most refreshing fruit smoothies ever, and explore the greatest and craziest mall ever!  At this mall we went to a restaurant which held almost every cuisine you could think of! From Seafood to Greek food to Thai, Mediteranean, Western, Japanese, Vegetarian, Arabic.. Everything!  We also saw the Hunger Games, which I was extremely disappointed in.  To be fair, I had just finished reading the book, so almost every detail lingered in my mind, but I just couldn't get over how they left so many key and important things out that they very well could have added.  One of the highlights while we were in the city was my "base-oil massage".  One morning Nicole went to do a cooking class, so I thought I would get pampered, paying only $10 for just over an hour, my massage was definitely unlike any other I have ever had.  Let's just say it was relaxing, yet awkward, painful, and strenuous.. however, the outcome left me feeling very loose and light.

After a long 14 hour over night train ride, and a nauseating 4 hour minibus ride, we had finally arrived at a place so unlike any other!  A place called Pai.  (Pronounced Pie).  From the minute I stepped out of the bus, my heart felt at ease.  I am not sure if it was do with the fact that the past few weeks has been in huge tourist cities, but the exclusivity of this town, surrounded by lush mountainside was exhilarating.  I really wish we had more time to spend in this slightly hippie town, but alas, the time spent was embraced.  We stayed just outside of town, in a bungalow!  With 4 rooms upstairs, it was surrounded by a huge deck, full of lounge chair and hammocks-where I did happen to take a relaxing nap!  Our first full day was spend exerting our poor bodies in order to see some waterfalls.  I am not sure if we were just so hot and exhausted by the time we got there, as we did not anticipate the journey, but they fell short of our expectations.  It very well could have been the fact that we visited some falls, which I failed to mention above, while we were in Bangkok.  They were so spectacular and mind-blowing, the water so cool and refreshing, the 4 hours it took to get there and back, was worth it, even though we spent just short of 3 hours actually at the falls.  Our second full day in Pai totally made up for our exhausting first day.  We rented vespas-which may I add was SO RAD-and rode them maybe 40 minutes outside the town, venturing to some hot springs.  Once again, we didn't entirely anticipate the road once we had turned off from the main one.  Let's just say it was very vertical, making Jill and Nicole having to walk in areas, as Jess and myself drove them up and down.  The condition of the roads was also very poor, a quad would have been safer.  I'll just leave it at that.  The hot springs however, made the stress and difficulty SO worth it.  It felt like a hot tub, no exaggeration. As the stream-like-pond trickled water down the body, we dipped our toes in unsure of what the temperature would be.  But once that steaming water touched our sun-kissed feet, a full plunge was in order.  We floated until our fingers were pruney.  The nights were filled with amazing street food and cheap cocktails and beer.  Roaming and aimlessly wondering, let us to discover the most tasty burger ever!  I also indulged in ice cream, waffle sandwiches filled with blueberry sauce, shishkabobs coated with sweet chilly sauce, and mango-sticky rice(essentially stick rice, with slices of mango, covered in coconut milk).. YUM!

We are heading back to Chiang Mai this afternoon for almost a week.  Tomorrow we will take part in a 2 day 1 night elephant trek before returning for a nation-wide water fight for 5 days.. is that not unbelievable or what.  I am not exactly sure what to expect for either of these activities, all I know is that words cannot express my excitement.  I guess you will have to hold your curiosity for another week.  Until next time!

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