Sunday 22 April 2012

The end of one country, the start of another..

Hello my friends!

A new update is in order.  Our travel to the South of Thailand was indeed a bit of a trecherous, tiresome journey.  On the Monday night, we took an over night bus to Bangkok.  Leaving around 8:30pm and arriving in Bangkok around 5:30am, neither Nicole or I got much shut eye.  Our plan was to hangout at a mall for the day, since that evening around 7pm, we were back on an overnight train down to the South.  The mall unfortunately didn't open until 10am, so bumming around the city was hot and gruesome.  Our train delayed upon arrival in Suri, did not actually arrive until 10:30am instead of 7 !  We finally got on a bus and got moving, heading to Krabi by 5.  Unfortunately, the bungalow the tourism agency booked for us fell through because the agency was neglecting to pay them.  We had to contact them back in Bangkok and tell them to book us another place as we were very reluctant to spend our own money once again.  What a nightmere!  Finally, things turned around, we found a place to stay and did thoroughly enjoy the time spent there, the 2 full days that it was!  The days were filled with the beach, reading, walking throughout the town.. it was pretty low key, but we needed it.

We flew into Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia yesterday (April 21) in the late evening.  We managed to get ourselves the hour distance from the airport to the heart of chinatown, where our guesthouse is located.  The evening was spent exploring the markets a few foot steps from our doorway.  We were about to call it quits for the evening when some staff at our guesthouse told us there was a festival happening a few blocks from where we were staying.  Hesitant, but eager to check it out, we went on our mary little way down the road.  It was so incredible.  Man were we stoked to have found it.  Through the crowds we made our way, closest to the front as possible, as we watched over a hundred students, in full costume, dance their way to the music.  The dancing took place on and off with singers, as well as joined together.  It was rad to get to see some cultural dance so vibrant.  This morning, we ventured to the city centre, wanting to purchase a ticket for the skybridge.  Kuala currently holds the largest twin towers in the world, 88 stories, since the tragic incident in 2001.  On the 45(?) floor is a skybridge connecting the two towers.  It is open to tourists for a price, holding one of the best views in the city.  It was amazing to get to see such a view.  The ticket also enabled us to go to the 86th floor, which holds a panoramic 360 view of the city.  Outrageous!  The pictures do not do enough justice, and until I realized this, I stopped snapping my camera and took it all in!  We also spent most of our day in the city centre at the coolest mall ever stepped foot in!  With 6 floors, going all over the place, we browsed and wandered endlessly, watched a few fashion shows, and took part in a Tawainese food festival in a supermarket!  It was a day full of events.  It has been awhile since we have literally walked ALL DAY!

So far we mutally agree that Kuala Lumpur is a beautiful city.  Rich in colour and culture, it is one of the cleanest cities thus far seen.  It has so much history, it draws you in.  We also love it because of the LRT transportion system.  I don't know how to stress the fact that we love not having to negotiate with tuk-tuk drivers (most of Asia's form of taxi, other than a taxi!) !  We came to this country having absolutely no idea of what it holds. No plan, no schedule, literally no diea of what to expect.  We have concluded after one and a half days to head up to Georgetown, in the province of Penam, tomorrow.  Penam is a small province in the North-Western region of Malaysia.  Georgetown is a city on an island located west.  We aren't entirely sure of what to expect, other than some beaches, cool historical building and streets, and some awesome parks.. I guess we're once again kept guessing.  I'll leave it at that until we arrive there and let you know myself! Peace!

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