Tuesday 6 March 2012

Hot, Humid, And Sticky !

Hello from Bangkok, population 10 million! Gah!

It truly is a different world over here, one that I never thought I could comprehend.  We arrived safe and sound, with the smoothest of flights around 2 am (Bangkok time) Monday morning!  I never imagined to get smacked so hard by the humidity-never felt anything like it before.  It feels like you are stuck in a sauna that you can never get out of!  As soon as you do enter some type of air conditioned room(Internet cafe, hostel) the second you are back out, instant soakage!  Our first day, we ventured down to the infamous Khoa San Road (backpacker central) ! So nuts, and so busy!  At night time it's packed with tourists buying things, locals doing some sort of break dancing, and everything else you can imagine from shops(that all sell the exact same thing!) to tons and tons of delicious street food.  We did wander around other streets, and took our first "tuk tuk" -if you don't know what that is, you should probably google it! It's a whole other story.. the driving here is crazy and there is no such thing as walking across roads, highways in a orderly fashion.  Nope, you just book it when you think it's safe.  Today we tried to find Chinatown by ourselves, ha ha we got lost! -went the wrong direction.  So once again took a "tuk tuk" with our amazing bartering skills, which I must say have improved tremendously from when we first got here!  We explored Little India as well, which is filled with lots of crowds and many shops.  Nicole tried her first ever bubble tea-which was very exciting! And we also got pistachio ice cream on a hot dog bun-weird right?!

Tomorrow, bright and early, we will head on to Cambodia to meet Chomno from Hope For The Nations, and see what adventures lie ahead of us as we serve our time for a week or so!  Please pray for safe, speedy, and smooth connections as we cross the Cambodia border tomorrow and for safe travels!  Maybe for the next week you could pray that we would be open to learn, and experience all that we can!  Praise the Lord for this great opportunity He has layed before us! Bye for now!


  1. Sounds amazing. Safe travels!! Have fun and can't wait for the next blog!

  2. Glad you arrived safe.. hope you have the most amazing adventure in Cambodia.. take care

  3. AHHHH you guys made it! So exciting!!! Keep the stories coming for us poor people in Kelowna!! haha... <3 love you both lots and looking forward to the next post!
